Vaccination of Dogs



Ms. Shirin Chhibber

If you are a dog owner you are probably already aware about how beneficial vaccines and sterilizers are for your pets, but it is not only necessary for pets but all dogs. Sterilization offers a path to lead a healthier life for dogs, with a hearty, robust and flourishing future ahead. Recent polls and researches have shown that sterilized dogs are less susceptible to certain diseases. Adding to that it is also a procedure through which forceful and excessive breeding can be avoided. But to learn the pros and cons of these operations we will first have to learn what happens in them. Let’s walk through the typical procedures of vaccinations and sterilizations.

Sterilization is a medical surgery which involves the removal of the reproductive organs, mostly performed on animals such as dogs. By this basic explanation we are able to understand that through this process, the reproduction of that animal is permanently stopped. It thus plays a crucial role in controlling the population of dogs. In male dogs the testes or testicles are removed this process is known as castration. Similarly, in females the ovaries and uterus are removed and through this the female dogs are ‘spayed’.

Vaccinations play the role of protection against deadly and almost untreatable diseases. Some common diseases that can be avoided in dogs through vaccinations are rabies and distemper. During vaccination procedures the dead bodies of the disease are injected into the animal to produce antibodies which helps in any consequential fight against the same. As a result, the immune system of the animal is strengthened.

The most common misconceptions about these are that they are painful and dangerous as well as costly. Sterilizations and vaccinations are the most common operations performed on animals. There are minimal risks if they are performed by a licensed veteran. Sterilization is performed under anaesthesia and additionally painkillers are given which means that no pain is felt by the dog. Most dogs are able to recover from both procedures in 24 to 48 hours. These are investments as they avoid future illnesses and the cost of them is not much considering they last a lifetime.

Both these procedures are required for a healthy population of dogs and the control of the same. In our colonies and homes sterilization and vaccinations are efficient means to prevent the spread of diseases and the overpopulation of stray dogs as well as pets. These procedures also bring about a change in the nature of the dogs such as their protective and aggressive instincts which often lead to violent fights are reduced. They are now also less prone to attacking over territorial clashes.

Dogs are territorial animals and are hence likely to attack in case of their relocation. Even if the population of dogs is relocated from a specific area there is high probability and scope for new dogs to migrate to the same place. In many regions the relocation of stray dogs has resulted in the increase of their overall population. So naturally this option is not ideal, instead sterilization and vaccination of these dogs is much better than to evacuate them from a certain area.

According to the World Health Organization, sterilization and vaccinations are the only scientific methods to reduce the stray population of dogs and ensure their health, and are suitable for implementing in developing countries. By taking these simple measures to vaccinate and sterilize the stray dogs in your neighborhood, the population of dogs becomes non- aggressive and rabies-free, as well as infertile which in the long run would decrease the stray population, not to mention this will play a huge role in abolishing the common stigma against strays.